Tuckswood Academy
Tuckswood Centre, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 6BP
01603 454479
Breakfast & After School Clubs
Tuckswood Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club at Tuckswood Academy runs from 7.30am until 8.30am and costs £3 a session.
Children entitled to Free School Meals are charged £1.50 a session. At Breakfast Club the children can choose from a range of breakfast options including cereal, waffles, beans on toast, yogurts and pain au chocolat. Whilst at Breakfast Club the children can play with friends and enjoy some social time. They can do mindful colouring and build with the Lego and marble run. It really sets them up for a successful day at Tuckswood! The club is run by Mrs Plunkett.
To book your child into our Breakfast Club please call the school office.

Tuckswood After School Club
After school club at Tuckswood Academy runs from 3.15pm - 5.30pm and costs £6 a session. Children entitled to Free School Meals are charged £3 a session. Each day there is a different theme and activities.
Monday - Team games and board games
Tuesday - Arts and crafts
Wednesday - Non cook cooking
Thursday - Indoor sports and games
Friday - Film night
At the start of each session the children get time outside to play with friends, they then come inside for a snack provided by the school kitchen. This includes sandwiches, fruit, pizza and yoghurts. After snack the children take part in the planned activities. Club is run by Mrs Ryan and Miss Gunning. If you would like to book a place for your child please contact the school office.