Tuckswood Academy
​Tuckswood Centre, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 6BP
01603 454479
British Values
In accordance with the Department of Education we aim to actively promote British values in our school to ensure our young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain.
The key values are:
Rule of law
Individual liberty
Mutual respect
Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
The Tuckswood 5, to be: curious, kind, ready, resilient and proud underpin how we promote British values. Curiosity leads us to being interested in the world around us; kindness is shown to everyone and therefore respect; readiness means we follow the rules and routines that are set; resilience ensures we grow as individuals and pride reflects the way we feel about ourselves, our school and the wider community.

Some subjects within the curriculum explicitly teach the key values, such as PSHE (personal, social, health and emotional) and RE (religious education). Our broad and balanced curriculum also ensures the key values are embedded through rich learning experiences. The school also promotes the key British values through its whole school systems and structures, such as the electing of an active, democratic School Council and the ‘Power Rangers’; our elected children, who ensure caring for the environment is being actioned.
Throughout children’s time at Tuckswood they will have many opportunities to share their voice and thoughts. All adults value children’s opinions and understand that by listening to them they can contribute to decision making.
Staff model the process by asking and answering questions at different times during the day. This can be in lessons, assemblies, during family style dining and in class council meetings.
During children’s time at Tuckswood, they will take part in School Council representative elections. Children are given the opportunity to put themselves forward, share why they should be elected and vote for their peers.

The Rule of Law
All adults promote and reinforce high expectations of the children. Children are taught the reasons behind expectations and rules and learn that they are there to keep them safe and we all have a responsibility to follow them. We also teach the children that following school rules helps them when they are in the wider world where there are laws to follow and that not following them have consequences.
Following the Tuckswood 5 helps children to learn and manage their behaviour and take responsibility for their actions. We help children to learn the connection between actions and consequences.

Individual Liberty
We create a safe and supportive environment for the children to make choices. Children are encouraged to know their rights, exercise them and be confident to say ‘no’.
Throughout their time at Tuckswood the children will have the opportunity to become monitors, play leaders or even a school council representative. We believe that learning to do things independently helps the children to learn about and understand themselves.
Whether it be through choosing a method in maths, choosing which club to join or what they want to eat, our children are given the freedom to make many choices of their own.

Mutual Respect
Tuckswood is an inclusive school and all members of the community are treated with respect and equally. We value each and every person.
The children learn that their behaviour has an impact on the people around them. We plan for events and activities to allow the children to go into the community to meet with many different people. These include sport events, music performances with other schools, dance shows and visitors to our school.
The children are active in the community; collecting harvest gifts for those less fortunate, taking part in charity events and writing Christmas cards for people in care homes.
Part of our school values are being kind. The children are able to model this through their interactions with others, sharing and listening to those around them. In assemblies and PSHE lessons we discuss the impact their words and actions have on people.

Tolerance of those of different Cultures and Religions
​We strive to enhance children’s understanding of different cultures and religions through assemblies, RE lessons and visitors to school or trips. Our school values and ethos teach children to respect everyone regardless of what they believe in.