Tuckswood Academy
​Tuckswood Centre, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 6BP
01603 454479
Curriculum Day
At the end of October, we celebrated Black History Week at Tuckswood. The aim was to celebrate the achievements and contributions of Black people in the UK and around the world. The week provided us with a chance to focus on and improve awareness of issues affecting different communities, and an opportunity to explore experiences and histories not currently included within our core curriculum.
EYFS, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 studied the Notting Hill Carnival. They learned about the history of the event and then held their own carnivals in the school. It was brilliant to see all the creative, colourful costumes and to hear the Caribbean carnival rhythms.
Years 4, 5 and 6 learned about the Empire Windrush. They reflected on the importance of the historical event and produced a variety of work including posters, diary entries, recounts and paintings.
We finished the exciting week by displaying all the work in the hall, as a gallery for pupils and parents to enjoy.