Tuckswood Academy
​Tuckswood Centre, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 6BP
01603 454479
At Tuckswood we strive to instill a love of reading in all children. We aim to give them a rich reading education and allow them to be immersed in a variety of books and genres.
This information will demonstrate how we teach reading at Tuckswood and hopefully answer any questions you may have.
Tuckswood Academy Reading Spine
“The reading spine allows children to read, enjoy, discuss and work with a wide range of books during their primary years. These ‘essential reads’ will be a store of classics, creating a living library inside a child’s mind.” Pie Corbett.

Phonics Teaching
We teach reading through phonics and use a programme called Read, Write Inc. Read, Write Inc is a whole school approach to teach children from 4 years old upwards. It aims to create fluent readers, confident speakers and willing writers. When children begin to learn phonics the sounds are split into 3 sets. Each sound has a rhyme to help the children remember them. Children work in ability groups to allow them to progress at their own pace and receive targeted teaching. The ability groups are split into colours (see reading progression and home reading books below). When in the colour groups the children will read fiction and nonfiction books.
Reading progression and home reading books
When children first learn to read it is important that they read books which are fully decodable for their level. Read Write Inc books are divided into colour ability groups which children work their way through as they progress in their reading (see chart below). If a child is in the orange group at school they will bring home an orange book to read at school. This matches the sounds they have learnt in school.
Once children have completed the RWI colour books they are a ‘free reader’ and can choose home reading books from the library.
How reading is taught across the school
Reading Videos
KS1 - This video models how to read with your child in Key Stage 1. It shows how to discuss the book prior to reading it, how to sound out new words and retelling the story at the end.
KS2 - This video models how to share a book with your child in Key Stage 2. It shows how to recap what your child has already read (if they are reading a longer book), make predictions about the story and discuss what is happening.