Tuckswood Academy
​Tuckswood Centre, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 6BP
01603 454479
School Governance
Local Governance Committee
Academy governors are vital to an academy’s success. They are key to the development and implementation of the strategic direction and leadership within the academy; are a critical friend to the head of academy; integral in the establishment and implementation of the academy vision; and support, question, challenge and hold the academy to account. Their strategic input and oversight makes a difference in improving standards across all aspects of the work of the academy. Vitally, the governors ensure that the total resources of the academy are allocated to achieve best value for money and highest progress and standards. If you are interested in becoming a governor or would like more details, please contact the Head of Academy.
Chair of Governing board - Glenn Russell c/o Tuckswood Academy, Tuckswood Centre, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 6BP